Everything you need to know about Feather touch brows

How to Get Perfect Brows with Feather Touch Brow Tattoo
Guide to feather touch brow tattoo ​

What is the feather touch brow tattoo?

Gone are the days of solid unnatural-looking eyebrow tattoos. A feather touch brow tattoo is a new eyebrow tattooing technique which leaves a natural finish. The feather touch brow tattoo follows the shape of your natural eyebrow and is applied in fine strokes, which mimic the look of individual eyebrow hairs which results in a much more natural look

How is feather touch brow tattoo applied?

A metal hand tool with small needles is used to create fine hair-like strokes. Then, a hypo-allergenic pigment is applied into the skin.

Is it painful?

Feather Touch Brow Tattooing is not painful. Anaesthetic is continually applied during the procedure to numb the area and decrease any pain or discomfort.

How long does it take to recover?

We recommend giving your skin at least 5-7 days to recover from the treatment. During this time, you will need to keep the eyebrow and surrounding area dry for 5-7 days. This includes no swimming, saunas, steam, sweat or products on or around the area. Also, please do not use any oils or moisturisers across the forehead or eyelids. Take extra care to ensure you keep your eyebrows as dry as possible when showering. This will help the pigment settle into the skin for longer lasting results. Remove eye makeup in a downward direction on cotton pads. Finally, do not scrub or wash the eyebrows.

How long does a feather touch brow tattoo last?

Our feather brow eye tattoos generally last up to 2 years. However, results will vary depending on the client’s exposure to sun and the skin’s resistance to pigment.

How much does a feather touch brow tattoo cost?

Pricing for a feather touch brow tattoo starts at $795 which includes one complimentary retouch within 6-8 weeks of our initial appointment. You can book an appointment at Eye Design Salon

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